WizeCare a virtual physical rehabilitation and remote monitoring solution provider, has entered into a know-how and research
agreement with Mayo Clinic [link to them] to develop a home-based cardiac rehabilitation program. The program will leverage WizeCare’s AI-driven technology to automate and guide patients in their daily exercise training, as well as monitor multiple new parameters remotely, including heart rate, cardiopulmonary fitness level, oxygen consumption, walking performance and other relevant factors. Patients will also receive educational videos, feedback, and reinforcement to improve lifestyle behaviors. Mayo Clinic's know-how and WizeCare’s technology will advance remote cardiac rehabilitation monitoring capabilities to provide better adherence and improve patient outcomes. The current standard of care in cardiac rehabilitation only monitors blood pressure and heart rate during face-to-face visits. With improved remote tools and greater patient insight, the program will support practitioners in identifying life-threatening cardiac events earlier and tailoring rehabilitation exercises to patients’ needs for improved safety, adherence, and outcomes. Future developments will integrate blood pressure, sleep, and physical activity monitoring with automated alerts in response to abnormal events to support clinical decision-making and treatment plan optimization. The know-how is being provided by Dr. Amir Lerman, Associate Chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, and Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Professor of Medicine, both at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic has a financial interest in the technology referenced in this press release. Mayo Clinic will use any revenue it receives to support its not-for-profit mission in patient care, education, and research. Read the full article here